IGRAC, Netherlands
~3,5 min

Let’s use ground water wisely as possible.

IGRAC is the organisation that maintains the United Nation’s groundwater database. I wrote and directed their ‘core story’ which explains why informed groundwater management based on sound data matters a lot to many people.

Stefan Siepman, Communication Consultant at IGRAC, about the collaboration:

“Apart from being a pleasant person to work with, Douwe has two specific qualities that make him stand out. The first is how he, seemingly effortless, manages to translate complex topics into clear storylines. His second strength is how he is able to level with people of all ages, positions, ethnicities and interests. When developing ‘Groundwater, the Hidden Resource’, Douwe had to work with scientists who simply wanted all statements and illustrations to be factually correct while also making the final result appealing to an audience that has little to no knowledge of groundwater. He still managed to find a balance and produce a video that made different groups involved excited.”