Your brain is a universe built of stories that help you navigate life.
Stories offer grounding and meaning in a world of information overload.

Stories shape how we perceive our reality and they determine our most important choices.
In a time when ‘purpose’ is increasingly overtaking ‘profit’ as the key defining measure of success, forward thinking people know that the ‘heart of the matter’ must be true, meaningful and inspiring.
Telling your story in the right way is essential.
Stories point to what
we value most of all.

‘Stories that stick’ across generations are usually the ones about overcoming essential human struggles.
Stories can be nurturing…
or very dangerous.

Stories move millions to bring about change, thereby altering the course of history.
For better,
or for worse.
Stories have always been in competition to shape meaning, but the internet, now amplified by generative AI, has supercharged the global story arena into a “war of stories” over what is meaningfully true and what isn't.
Which stories will prevail?
Building truly meaningful stories with language is still a uniquely human skill.
Our species is able to encode thoughts, ideas, visions and emotions into sounds and scribbles that are decoded by a listener or reader and turned into lived meaning and purpose that resonates.
Audiovisual stories, through our ears and eyes, are able grab our attention and change the way we see the world.
Quite recently, AI has joined the story arena and we don’t yet know what that means.
AI’s are not new media. As as non-human intelligences, they are the very first ‘meaning making agents’ among us.
This might mean that heartfelt human stories will only become far more important, because we intuitively move towards authenticity and to that which is true.
Only time will tell how all this shall unfold.
Visual stories are instant.

Visual stories
capture the attention.
Visual stories can…

Connecting emotionally with an audience through stories opens up not just their brains, but also their hearts.
Through a sense of wonder, a spirit of playfulness, a dance of movement and sound, we learn new things effortlessly.
Visual storytelling sparks the imagination and is able to move an audience to take action on goals worth pursuing.

Visual storytelling can take us anywhere in time, space and imagination.
Future history is
written today.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
― Maya Angelou